Life: by Darian Sundberg

These pages retrieved from the diary of Michel Zandekowski PhD. A renowned professor of Philosophy and Astrophysics at Cornell

Life. A glorious miracle scarcely understood by even the most profound philosophers. Yet it is understood that to have life, it must have been given, and in the world we know only mothers can give life to another. All the life we have experienced and studied has come from one mother whom we so affectionately call: Earth. The only planet known to sustain life in our solar system. The only planet we know for sure that sustains life in the entire universe. It is by all accounts a miracle; a perfect harmony of elements, light and warmth that allows organic beings to flourish. This harmony of existence is based on one very simple concept: balance.

Balance in the world requires barriers and deterrents from specific courses of action. It requires pressure (both high and low) to maintain order. The pressure of finding enough food to eat, the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the Earth, the pressure of outrunning a predator. All living things adhered to these pressures and barriers of living, and peace was maintained. All until one emerged. The most perfect yet most tragically flawed of any category of life: Humanity.

Humanity has within its possession the ability to overcome nearly any obstacle placed in its way. History has shown us this time and time again. Mankind destined for a particular future rising up and using their willpower and mental prowess to triumph against insurmountable odds. The obstacles of course changed throughout the centuries, but the results were the same, victory. Outnumbered victory against an aggressive army. Victory over the environment. Chemical victory over insects and rodents in our homes. Even victory against widespread disease meant to thin out their numbers.

Mankind was graced with one thing that other life forms were not. They possessed an understanding of life. An understanding that was meant to support the system of pressure and harmony; an understanding that should have allowed life of all kinds to flourish to an unprecedented level. A creature that knows it has had enough to eat to survive, would not eat until there was no more food. Thus both the creature and its food would be saved from extinction. A creature that could adapt to any environment would allow the world to maintain its balance (through weather, tectonic plate shifts, floods etc.) without destroying all life in the process. Mankind could evolve as fast as the Earth could change.

But Humanity didn’t turn out quite as intended. Because mankind did not stop. Humanity took it’s understanding of its Mother’s nature and used it to thrive. It understood that it didn’t need to eat all its food to survive, but they didn’t want other creatures to eat all of their food. So they consumed. Humanity understood the environment and could adapt to it, but Mankind’s vast understanding of all things has brought their evolution to a halt after all. They no longer experience the environment firsthand, and so it can no longer change them. Humanity changed the world, and rid it of the pressures and barriers to its own life.

Pressure, however works in a predictable manner. When pressure is removed from one area, it is displaced to another. Mankind alleviated the pressures of life from themselves, and in turn increased the barriers and pressure of living on all other life forms on Earth. But humanity had not evolved for too long, and their connection with the world was s faint that they did not care about the balance of the world, if they remembered it at all.

But hours ago, mankind was faced with a foe it couldn’t see, hear or feel, and their world was shaken. For mankind’s mental prowess had been bound in books and micro-chips for reference and refinement. Individuals had become dependant on the society, and could not fend for themselves. The Sun, humankinds greatest ally in life, had in a matter of 8 minutes turned the entire world upside down, and become it’s worst enemy. Humanity’s mother had finally had enough of her son’s reckless folly. It was time for mankind to remember its place.

At 7:22:32 AM EST on a Sunday, the world went dark. North turned South in an instant, and the world had been turned upside down. The power on Earth had been turned off, and Humanity’s understanding of the world went right along with it.

It is time for mankind to rejoin evolution. I fear most won’t survive the journey.

~ MZ



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